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Radiology services are in other terms know as imaging and scanning the services under this banner have a vast detonation few of them as mentioned below
X ray is the simplest and first line and cheapest way of imaging technology where imaging of skeletal system like x ray of hand, foot, abdomen, skull, chest, is advised when a patient comes to a clinic hospital or further procedures can be used for diagnostic purpose in case of any stricture or false passage like fistula
Second to x ray is ultrasound which is the most common and non invasive procedure to identify the body organs functional like liver kidneys spleen pancreas urinary bladder uterus and any kind of fluid accumulation within the abdomen
Usg has wide range of investigation from breast screening to invasive procedures like fluid analysis tissue biopsy and much more
In the obstetric part a well-being and growth of the child can be assessed from the time of pregnancy to delivery
Higher End Modalities
Much more advanced imaging modality like CT and MRI DSA PET CT for higher level of investigation which helps in the outcome of various medical conditions in the various departments from surgery, orthopaedic, oncology, tissue biopsy, chest imaging, cardiac imaging to angiography and few to name
Such being the advance imaging modalities
And our founder comes from the background of being a MD in Radiodiagnosis hands on practice since 9 years plus